
  • Dece Elisabeth Sahertian MIPA Unpatti
  • Deli Wakano MIPA Unpatti



Aim of this research is to know about growth rate of seagrass leaf (Enhalus acoroides) on different substrates in coastal waters of poka village, Ambon island. This research were divided into 3 station, station I is a sandy substrate, station II is the fragments of dead coral and stasiun III is muddy substrate, wherein the three stations have the same depth of one meter. The data collection of seagrass growth rate is done by tagging method, with at each station have been conducted the measurement of physical factors which includes temperature, salinity, pH, DO, current speed. The results showed that Enhalus acoroides on the muddy substrates grow faster with the average length of 16.20 cm per week, On sandy substrate, the seagrass has a length of 13.60 cm per week, and on the fragments of dead coral has a length of 13.37 cm per week. The results of physical factors measurement show that the three substrates remain with the tolerance limits of the habitat where the seagrass grow. Keywords: Enhalus Acoroides, Substrate, Growth Rate


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