“Ipika Mese-mese”: Ungkapan yang Menggerakkan Orang Siri-Sori Islam Berperilaku Sosial


  • Muhammad Kashai Ramdhani Pelupessy Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon
  • Ode Zulkarnain Sahji Tihurua Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon




Psycholinguistic studies in the perspective of indigenous psychology on the Moluccans are still rarely carried out by psychologists. Maluku is a paradise for researchers, meaning that there are still many phenomena in Maluku that have not been revealed to the surface. Therefore, this psycholinguistic research in the perspective of individual psychology will highlight the expression "ipika mese-mese" of the Islamic Siri-Sori people. The questions that will be answered in this research are: (1) How do the symbols of ipika mese-mese shape the psychological dynamics of the Islamic Siri-Sori people? and (2) How can the expression of ipika mese-mese move Islamic Siri-Sori people to behave socially? To answer this question, this study uses two approaches, namely phenomenology and content analysis with a total of 9 informants. The process of taking informants refers to the opinion of Boddy (2016) that there is no limit on the number of informants but the most important thing is data saturation. The data collected and saturated is then analyzed using the Nacherleben technique from Dilthey and psychological interpretation from Schleiermacher. The results of the analysis show that the meanings of "ipika mese-mese" shape the psychological dynamics of the Islamic Siri-Sori people in the form of solidarity and loyalty. In addition, the expression "ipika mese-mese" can move Siri-Sori Islam people to behave socially such as ilowue basudarao, help in the procession of mosque renovations, and help replace the roof of the Baileo traditional house. Although the results of this study are very useful for psycholinguistic studies in the perspective of individual psychology, in the future it is necessary to examine the transformation of "ipika mese-mese" as a force for mass mobilization in democratic parties such as legislative and executive elections.


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