Author Guidlines

Jurnal Studi Islam: WRITING RULES The title is written with a maximum of 15 syllables, including conjunctions. The abstract is written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, with a length of between 80 and 250 words. Keywords are written in 10 pt bold Italic font size in the form of single words or combinations of words/phrases that are important, specific, or representative for articles consisting of 3-5 words. The article is written in Times New Romance font with 1.5 spacing with margins (top 4, bottom 3, left 4, and right 3) on A4 paper. For writing, the author's identity, include the name without a title, occupation, instructions, mobile phone number, and e-mail address: for example Rustina Nurdin, Lecturer in the Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate IAIN Ambon, E-mail: The writing section of a research article includes: abstract, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography. The writing section in paper form includes: abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography. Bibliography citations use the APA model at least 6th edition, not footnotes. For bibliographies, it is not permitted to use libraries from blogs or Google, but rather libraries in the form of PDFs, books, and journals. Articles submitted with 50% errors will be returned to the owner to be corrected free of charge in the submission of the article. Jurnal Studi Islam is published twice a year, namely in June and December. Authors can see the writing template as a reference.