KOMUNIKASI ANTAR PRIBADI (Studi Penggunaan Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Bahasa Indonesia- Ambon pada Mahasiswa IAIN Ambon)


  • Andi Fitriyani Zulkifli Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon


Students are personal as learners who make the learning process in college IAIN Ambon 20102011 academic year. This study deals with how students use and the factors underlying the emergence of the social reality of code and code interference between Indonesian and Ambon. This study is based on the theory kedwibahasaan with research methods in depth interviews and participant observation to obtain data in the field. Through interviews and observational studies on the use of code switching and code interference between Indonesian and Ambon language, researchers have developed a typology of use and the factors behind them. Ambon IAIN students as subjects considered using language and Bahasa Indonesia Ambon alternately and or insert one language to another language speech acts motivated by "Situational Code-Switching." The subject is influenced by the culture of the language of Ambon "Mother" and Indonesian as an introduction which led to over code and mixed code.



Cara Mengutip

Zulkifli, A. F. (2018). KOMUNIKASI ANTAR PRIBADI (Studi Penggunaan Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Bahasa Indonesia- Ambon pada Mahasiswa IAIN Ambon). JURNAL MEDIASI, 8(1). Diambil dari https://jurnal.iainambon.ac.id/index.php/MDS/article/view/274


