
  • Subhan Subhan IAIN Ambon



The study aimed on improving students, critrcal thinking skills and investigating excellences and problems faced in implementing guided problem-based learning program. Preliminary field testing in the study used one group pretets-posttest design Samples of the study were 11th grade students at one of senior high school in Seram bagian barat residence_consisting of 36 students. The findings of the study were as follows. Firstty, the program could improve critical thinking skills and conceptual understanding of students. Secondly, the excellences of the program were it could help teacher to explore students' ideas and develop students critical thinking skills. Thirdly, problems encountered in implementing it were (a) there was lack of qualitative problems practiced, (b) some students with low academic achievement were difficult to follow the program, (c) some conceptual questions were difficult to be answered by them, (d) they forgot some chemical concepts learnt in previous grade, and (e) implementation of the program was time consuming. Next, teacher and students were enthusiast to participate in the teaching and learning Finally, students responded it positively and they hope it could be further implemented to teach other chemistry topics and even to teach other subject matters. Keywords: Guided problem-based learning, critical thinking skills, and conceptual understanding.


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