
  • Iga Ayu Intan Candra PGMI IAIN Ambon


Abstract.The potential for flood disasters that occur in the city of Ambon requires the role of all aspects of society in disaster mitigation. The role of educators as facilitators related to disaster mitigation is also very much needed starting at the elementary school level. Screen printing media chosen as a media for socializing flood disaster mitigation is screen printing with simple tools, namely, wooden cutting boards, photocopy paper and topical insect repellent (Autan). This research was conducted at MIN 2 Ambon because the school is located in a watershed which is flooded every year. So it is very important for students to know information related to flood disaster mitigation in order to be able to apply it in everyday life. The research carried out is a type of qualitative descriptive research and domain classification to facilitate research, namely: How is the potential for disaster in the city of Ambon; The importance of disaster mitigation for students in Ambon city; Appropriateness of design in efforts to socialize disaster mitigation; and Application of screen printing media as flood disaster mitigation. Selected screen printing designs are designs that have clear images related to disaster mitigation so that messages related to disaster awareness can be conveyed. The process of using media is applied to students directly so that students can understand the appeal given with great enthusiasm as shown by the students' ability to answer the facilitator's questions in the question and answer session and the conclusion of the material.

Keywords: screen printing; mitigation; flood; Ambon



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