
Al-Muqaranah: Jurnal Perbandingan Mazhab is an academic journal that has been publishing scholarly papers since 2022. This journal is provided for researchers, practitioners and academics to submit their best articles in the field of Islamic law, especially comparative studies of law and schools of thought that need or are interested in following the latest issues and developments in their field.  It is organized by Program Studi Perbandingan Madzhab, Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Ambon. We regularly publish the issues in March and September every year. The journal much prefers research-based papers regarding the coverage areas. All submitted papers will review by the Editorial. If it was matched with the journal scope, the paper will be then reviewed by our respected peer-reviewers on mechanism double-blind review process.

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Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Al- Muqaranah Vol. 2, No 1

Table of Contents


asti vina, H Rajab, Much. Muallim
Samsir Salam, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Kiljamilawati Kiljamilawati, Roswati Nurdin
Thalhah Thalhah, M Taib Hunsouw
HM Attamimy, H Rajab