
  • Farhana Fattaroeba IAIN Ambon
  • Samad Umarella IAIN Ambon
  • Saddam Husein IAIN Ambon



Motivation, Veiled Student


This study aims to determine the motivation and factors supporting and
inhibiting student motivation in using the veil. The research in this thesis uses a mixed
method which is a mixed type of research, namely a combination of qualitative and
quantitative which produces data in the form of words or sentences and also produces
data in the form of numbers or percentages of the observed subjects. The subjects
studied were students of the Islamic Religious Education study program, Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Ambon, which consisted of 12 female students who
still wore the veil. Data collection methods used include interviews, questionnaires and
documentation. Based on the results of the study found that: The motivation of students
of the Islamic Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN
Ambon in using the veil is divided into two, namely intrinsic motivation which includes:
mastery goals and need for achievement and extrinsic motivation which includes:
expectations of authority from family, expectations educational authority, hope from
friends and fear of failure. The supporting factors, namely: positive support from family,
invitations from friends, and often watching studies related to the virtues of using the veil.
There are also inhibiting factors, namely: the fear of being ostracized, as well as negative
assumptions from the family regarding the veil, a less supportive living environment.
Furthermore, based on the percentage count processed using quantitative analysis, it
was found that the level of motivation of students of the Islamic Religious Education
Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Ambon, in using the veil,
was in the very high category, with a value of 86.17%.


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