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Author Guidelines

The article draft is typed using Times New Roman fonts 12, Exactly 16 spaces, A4 Paper type, between 15-20 pages. The reference source in the draft article uses footnotes. Titles use capital letters, accompanied by the name of the author without title, affiliation and email. The article script consists of introduction, discussion, conclusion and bibliography. The draft article has never been published in another journal. Footnote from book is arranged in order: author's name, book title (used italics), opening parenthesis, publisher's name along with a sign (:), comma, year of publication, close parenthesis, comma, page (abbreviated h.) Example: La Jamaa, Contemporary Fiqh (Problems with Islamic Law in the Contemporary Age) (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2017), p. 102. Footnote from journal articles are arranged in order: author's name, quotation marks ("), article title, journal name, volume, number (month if any), year, page. Example: Muhamad Ikhwan Lukmanudin, "Syariat Islamic Persalinan Menggunakan Metode Water Birth," Tahkim Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Juni 2017), h. 45. The bibliography is arranged like a footnote, but the author's name is reversed; last name placed first. The bibliography is sorted alphabetically.

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