
  • Ahmad Alwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku


Kata Kunci:

Multiple Intelligences, Learning Outcomes, Set material


Many people believe that, if someone has a high IQ, then he will be successful in life. Because IQ is a potential provision. However, Gardner in his research shows that there are no human activities that use one type of intelligence, but all intelligences that he considers to have 7. The formulation of the problem in this study: What is the description of the multiple intelligences of class VII students at SMP Neg. 5 Salahutu? How are the results of learning mathematics material for the Class VII Student Association of SMP Neg. 5 Salahutu? How much influence does the type of multiple intelligence have on the learning outcomes of class VII students of SMP Neg. 5 Salahutu?. This study aims: to describe the multiple intelligences of class VII students of SMP Neg.5 Salahutu. 5 Salahutu. To determine the effect of students' multiple intelligence types on mathematics learning outcomes on set material in class VII students of SMP Neg.5 Salahutu. The type of research in this study is the type of correlation. The method used is a descriptive method aimed at seeing and studying the relationship and influence between multiple intelligences and student learning outcomes of class VII SMP Neg.5 Salahutu, which totals 56 students. In this study there are two main variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. The so-called independent variables, namely multiple intelligences and student learning outcomes are the dependent variables. Data collection was carried out using tests and questionnaires. Whereas to analyze the data in this study used the multiple regression formula and to see the effect of multiple intelligence types used the coefficient of determination or determining coefficient. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is known that there is a significant effect between multiple intelligences on the mathematics learning outcomes of class VII students of SMP Neg.5 Salahutu which are different


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