Author Guidelines
Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English, have never been published or are not in the process of being submitted for publication in other journals or media, and do not contain elements of plagiarism. Manuscripts can be research results. Authors must register/log in as authors. Registration and submission guidelines for manuscripts/papers are available at the bottom. Manuscripts will be published in Leksikal: Journal of Indonesian Language and Literature Teaching after going through a peer-review process. Manuscripts must consist of 4,000-8,000 words. Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines and writing templates. Writing templates can be downloaded on the journal's home page.
1. Title
In creating an article title, it should fulfill the following things: (1) informative and comprehensive, (2) reflects the content of the article, (2) can attract attention, (3) contains the variables studied or keywords that describe the problem being discussed, and (4) be brief and a maximum of 12 words. To generate engaging titles, the authors can select the following ways: (1) choose words that immediately offer answers or at least touch on problems that have not been answered in the past and still cause controversy, and (2) use novel information. The news value of a scientific article is new information about an important topic or one currently being discussed by the media, and (3) the title should be at most 12 words if written in Indonesian and ten words if written in English.
2. Author's name and description
The author's name is included without an academic title or rank. The author's name is accompanied by a statement of the author's home institution, the institution's address, and an email or telephone number for correspondence purposes. If a team writes the article, the primary author is listed first.
3. Abstract (Abstract)
An abstract contains a concise and concise statement of the most essential ideas. The abstract contains a comprehensive summary of an article's essence, including a description of the research problem, research objectives, research methods used, and research results. Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian with a maximum of 200 words. Abstracts can also make it easier for readers to skim and scan.
4. Keywords
Keywords are specific words or terminology in the scientific field discussed in the article. Keywords describe the problem domain being researched and technical terms related to the research being reported. Keywords can be taken from the research title or from the article's body (which reflects the domain of the problem being researched) in approximately 3-7 words and separated by a semicolon (;). The keyword function is used for filling, searching, grouping, and documentation.
5. Introduction
The Introduction section contains, among other things, (1) the research problem, which includes a description of the problem or reason for the research (background), a logical statement that leads to the hypothesis or central theme; (2) how to approach or solve problems; (3) research objectives; (4) a summary of theoretical studies related to the research problem and supporting the research; (5) relevant studies; (6) research gaps; (7) expected results, and (8) contribution or benefits of research. It is best to use up-to-date and relevant references (the last ten years) when writing theoretical studies unless references come from parent books/baboons. The entire introductory section is presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs, with a length of approximately 15-20% of the total length of the text.
6. Literature Review
The theoretical basis is the basis for thinking to find problems, references, and answers. A theoretical basis is not just a collection of definitions of a term. The description in this chapter uses relevant, strong, sharp and up-to-date references. The theory written in this chapter is the theory used in data analysis/discussion. Theoretical foundations can be written in subchapters while still considering a quota of 15% of the entire body of the text. All sources referred to or quoted must be written in the bibliography. The technique for writing citations follows the APA/American Psychological Association model).
7. Method
This section contains how the research was conducted. This section contains elements including (1) research plan or design; (2) research targets (population, sample, subjects, research objects, data, and data sources); (3) development of instruments and data collection techniques; and (4) data analysis techniques. This section is written as 10-15%. The sub-section format can be written in essay format and combined with charts, schemes, and tables supporting research methods.
8. Discussion
Research Results, or usually just written "Results," are the central part of the research. This section contains the data analysis results and an explanation or description. The research results do not contain hypothesis testing and the use of statistics. The use of tables and graphs can assist in the submission of research results. Graphs and tables should be discussed in the body of the article rather than in a detailed discussion one by one. If the presentation is relatively long, the results can be divided into several sub-sections. This discussion section contains a review or meaning of the results and a comparison with theory and similar research results. The discussion contains answers to research questions and shows how the findings were obtained, interpreting the findings, linking research findings with established knowledge structures, and generating new theories or modifications of existing theories. The discussion becomes more important if the research findings differ from theories acknowledged as valid. The length of this section is approximately 40-60% of the length of the article.
9. Closing or Conclusion
The closing or conclusion presents a summary and confirmation of the author regarding the research findings in the form of answers to research questions or the essence of the research results and discussion. The conclusion is presented in paragraph form rather than in numerical form.
10. Reference List
Reference lists, often called bibliographies, are written using general guidelines for article writers. Several guidelines must be adhered to in making a reference list: (1) only those that are referred to in the article should be included in the reference list, and (2) everything that is referred to in the article must be included in the reference list. It is recommended that the reference list be sourced from relevant and up-to-date journal articles (minimum 10). To understand more about research articles, you can see several examples of accredited journals (see attachment). Citations use APA 6th edition style. Authors are advised to use the Mendeley or Zotero applications.