e-Journal Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon

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Mangente: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat publishes service articles with innovative ideas. Mangente received articles covering the fields of education, religious moderation, economics and business, law, socio-culture, science and technology. Mangente is published twice a year, in May and November, by the Ambon State Institute for Research and Community Service. Mangente is already available in e-ISSN (2828-7096) and p-ISSN (2962-9888) versions.

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Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran is an academic journal, publishing two issues per year (June and December). It is published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ambon, Indonesia and collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Matematika dan Pendidikan/ Tadris Matematika PTKIN (Ad-mapeta). This journal seeks to provide a venue for sharing new empirical research and theoretical analysis of intersections between mathematics and education.

Matematika dan Pembelajaran publishes original works that contribute to the scientific discussion of the relationship between mathematics instruction. The journal’s primary focus is on contemporary issues of mathematics abilities, ICT in mathematics education, design/ development research in mathematics education, realistic mathematics education, ethnomathematics, and PISA Task.

Submissions are welcome not only from scholars of mathematics education but also by lecturer and teacher. All submissions must not be previously published elsewhere. All submissions for publication are peer-reviewed double-blind.

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