About the Journal

Journal of Matematika dan Pembelajaran is an open access academic journal that publishing two editions each year (June and December). It is published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ambon, Indonesia and collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Matematika dan Pendidikan/Tadris Matematika PTKIN (Ad-mapeta). This journal seeks to provide a venue for sharing new empirical research and theoretical analysis of intersections between mathematics and education.

Matematika dan Pembelajaran publishes original works that contribute to the scientific discussion of the relationship between mathematics instruction. The journal’s primary focus is on contemporary issues of mathematics abilities, ICT in mathematics education, design/ development research in mathematics education, realistic mathematics education, ethnomathematics, and PISA Task.

Submissions are welcome not only from scholars of mathematics education but also by lecturer and teacher. All submissions must not be previously published elsewhere. All submissions for publication are peer-reviewed double-blind.


Current Issue

					View Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): MATEMATIKA DAN PEMBELAJARAN

The field of mathematics education continually evolves to address the diverse needs of learners and the complexities of mathematical concepts. Recent studies have focused on innovative teaching methods, cognitive structures, and the integration of technology to enhance learning outcomes. In this context, the following articles from the Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran present valuable insights and research findings that contribute to the improvement of mathematics instruction and student understanding. Each article addresses specific challenges and strategies within mathematics education, providing a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues and advancements.

1. Students' Trigonometric Representation Translation Process Through GeoGebra-Integrated STAD Cooperative Learning
This article explores the effectiveness of integrating GeoGebra with the STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) cooperative learning model in enhancing students' understanding of trigonometric representations. The study examines how this combination facilitates the translation of mathematical concepts, fostering better engagement and comprehension among learners.

2. A Didactical Design for Teaching Continuity of Function
This study presents a didactical design aimed at teaching the concept of continuity in functions. It outlines instructional strategies, learning activities, and assessment methods that promote deeper understanding of continuity, ensuring that students grasp this fundamental concept effectively through structured learning experiences.

3. Analysis of Students’ Cognitive Structures in Failed Mathematical Proof Construction
This article analyzes the cognitive structures of students who encounter difficulties in constructing mathematical proofs. By examining the common misconceptions and thought processes that lead to failures, the study provides insights into how educators can better support students in developing rigorous proof-writing skills.

4. HOTS-Based Student Worksheet Development to Improve Students’ Visual Thinking Skills in Solving Calculus Problems
This research focuses on the development of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)-based student worksheets designed to enhance visual thinking in calculus problem-solving. The article discusses the design process, implementation, and the impact of these worksheets on students' ability to visualize and solve complex calculus problems.

5. Analysis of Imperfection of Mathematical Identity in Problem-Solving
This article investigates the imperfections often encountered in mathematical identities during problem-solving processes. By analyzing common errors and misconceptions, the study aims to provide strategies for educators to address these issues, ultimately leading to improved problem-solving skills among students.

6. Identification of Students' Techno-Mathematical Literacies (TML) Abilities: Preliminary Research
This preliminary research identifies and assesses students' abilities in techno-mathematical literacies (TML). The study examines how well students can integrate technology with mathematical concepts, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting instructional approaches to enhance TML competencies in the classroom.

Published: 2024-12-31


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